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Smart Contract Tips


What Is a Blockchain Developer & How Do I Become One?

The demand for blockchain developers/engineers is at an all-time high because industries today recognize the value of blockchain technology ...


Stages: the Framework for Assessing the Risk and Security of an Ethereum Rollups.

We use Arbitrum or Optimism instead of Ethereum because transactions on the latter are too expensive, but do we know what we are doing...


Exploring Wallet Options for The Open Network (TON): A Comprehensive Guide for Crypto Enthusiasts

This guide will explore these challenges and provide an in-depth look at alternative wallet options tailored for TON


Stop Blaming the Open Source: Navigating the Complexity Crisis

In the wake of the recent Polyfill hack, the open-source community is once again thrust into the limelight, grappling with questions about security, sustainability,...


Unlocking Seamless Token Transfers. Exploring Permit Anywhere, Permit2, and ERC2612

Preamble: The Need for Seamless and Gasless Token Approvals in DeFi


The Millionaire Problem: Unlocking Secrets with Cryptographic Magic

The Millionaire Problem: Who’s Got More Cash?

Smart contracts on Ethereum are worse than even non-financial commercial code; as of May 2016, Ethereum contracts averaged 100 obvious bugs per 1000 lines of code. For comparison, Microsoft code averages 15 bugs per 1000 lines, NASA code around 0 per 500,000 lines. (Excerpt from chapter 10 of Attack of the 50 Foot Blockchain by David Gerard)

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Our mission

We are here to help you create, verify and improve the security of your smart contracts through a professional and thorough audit.

Best Practices

In the world of dApps and smart contract development, the adoption of coding best practices is critical. Clear and well-documented code writing not only makes it easier to maintain and update applications, but also reduces the risk of errors and vulnerabilities.

Incident analysis and post-mortem

Studying past security incidents is a vital step in improving security practices in dApps. Detailed analysis of attacks and breaches helps to understand the techniques used by attackers and identify vulnerable areas.

Standards: in-depth dive

Security standards play a crucial role in smart contract development. As blockchain technology continues to evolve, it is critical to stay up-to-date on the latest standards and protocols.

Tutorials & Courses

Continuing education and training are key components to maintaining a high level of security in dApps. Numerous tutorials and online courses are available that cover various aspects of smart contract development.

Alert signals and incident feeds

Maintaining an active and informed communication network is essential in the dApps development community. Sharing information, such as security alerts and updates on newly discovered vulnerabilities, helps prevent the spread of attacks.

Premium services from our partners

Working with a network of trusted partners can significantly improve the security of dApps. Through premium services such as professional security audits, expert advice and access to advanced monitoring tools, developers can benefit from enhanced protection.

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