Davide Carboni

Consulente informatico, libero professionista. Esperto di smart contract, curatore principale di smartcontract.tips

Giovanni Casu

Software Architect at Radix Srl

Francesco Cabras

Co-Founder & CTO presso Radix Srls

Alessandro Morandi

Specializzato nell’integrazione di sistemi tra produzione, logistica e operations. Appassionato di system design, tecnologie blockchain e IA

Zaryan Afser

Lead Smart Contracts Engineer & Tech Team Lead @ Push Protocol | Security Auditor | Public Speaker | Educating People about Smart Contracts, Security and Web3 World

Hania Arfaoui

Passionate Cloud and devSecOps Engineer with three missions : learning, practicing and growing plus a strong problem-solving skills and a drive for innovation. Building scalable & secure cloud architectures | Automating workflows for efficiency & speed | Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment